CPEP Seminars: Regional Climate Modeling of Vegetation Feedbacks on the Asian-Australian Monsoon Systems details
Date: Tues, Sept 13, 2016 @ 1:00pm
Speaker: Michael Notaro, UW-Madison
Location: AOSS Room 1039, 1225 W. Dayton St.
JF Crow Institution Evolution Seminars: The genetic causes of the evolution of Drosophila courtship song details
Date: Thurs, Sept 15, 2016 @ 12:00pm
Speaker: David Stern, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Location: 1360 Genetics/Biotech, 425 Henry Mall
Weston Roundtable Series: Hurricanes and Climate: What we know and how well we know it details
Date: Thurs, Sept 15, 2016 @ 4:15pm
Speaker: James Kossin, NOAA Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, UW-Madison
Location: 1163 Mechanical Engineering, 1513 University Ave.
Entomology Seminars: Zika virus details
Date: Fri, Sept 16, 2016 @ 12:00pm
Speaker: Matt Aliota, UW-Madison
Location: 150 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden Dr.
Biology Colloquium: Spontaneous green biodiversity in modern society – evolution and taxonomy of weeds in parking lots, fields, and news media details
Date: Fri, Sept 16, 2016 @ 3:30pm
Speaker: Lena Struwe, Rutgers
Location: B302 Birge Hall, 430 Lincoln Dr.