Spring 2016 Graduate Seminar – Aldo Leopold and the Growth of Conservation Thought

Spring 2016 Graduate Seminar – F&W ECOL 961 (Section 001)

Aldo Leopold and the Growth of Conservation Thought

Offered through the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Aldo Leopold’s influence on conservation science, philosophy, policy, and practice is widely recognized among professionals and the general public alike.  His fundamental contributions to the growth of conservation thought in the 20th Century continue to inform innovations in the 21st.  This seminar offers graduate students an opportunity to critically examine Leopold’s life and work, and to explore, through Leopold and his story, major trends in the advance of conservation science, methods, and ideas.

Seminar Description:   Dr. Curt Meine and Prof. Stan Temple will lead discussions of specific topics and broad themes in Leopold’s experience and in the history of conservation and natural resource management (with special attention given to Wisconsin’s conservation legacy).  The emphasis will be on discussion informed by special presentations, field trips, and assigned readings.  Students will be encouraged to explore concepts relevant to their own research and interests.

Credits:  2 (Consent of instructor required)

 Meeting Time:  Mondays, 4:00-6:00 pm

 Location:   The seminar will formally convene in Room A218 Russell Labs.  We will also convene off campus several times.

Texts:  S. L. Flader and J. B. Callicott, eds., The River of the Mother of God and Other Essays by Aldo Leopold (University of Wisconsin Press, 1991); C. Meine, Correction Lines:  Essays on Land, Leopold, and Conservation (Island Press, 2004).

For further information and permission to enroll, please contact Prof. Stan Temple (satemple@wisc.edu)