Plant-microbe job UofA

Date:    Fri, 1 Mar 2013 08:13:21 -0500From:    =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rachel_Gallery?= <>Subject: Postdoc: U Arizona: Plant-Microbe EcologyPostdoctoral Research Associate=20School of Natural Resources and the EnvironmentUniversity of ArizonaWe are recruiting a postdoctoral research associate to investigate the ef=fects of soil amendments on=20plant-microbe feedbacks and native plant reclamation success in the semi-=arid Southwest US. The=20successful candidate will work independently and collaboratively within a= team of plant ecologists,=20soil scientists, and microbial ecologists seeking to understand the mecha=nisms, and maximize the=20potential, for native plant reclamation under the predicted warmer and dr=ier conditions in this=20region. The University of Arizona is one of the top ranked universities f=or environmental science=20research, with a strong focus on interdisciplinary approaches to understa=nding and managing=20natural resources.=20Primary responsibilities will include: establishing and overseeing large-=scale field and greenhouse=20studies across precipitation and thermal gradients; developing and runnin=g molecular-based=20analyses of soil microbial communities, including targeted gene sequencin=g, metagenomics, and=20enzyme assays; co-advising and managing undergraduate research projects; =data analysis using=20multivariate statistics, and manuscript writing.=20A Ph.D. in ecology or related fields is required.  Applicants should have= expertise in plant-microbe=20associations, molecular microbial ecology, soil science, or related field=s. Prior experience using=20high-throughput sequencing tools to characterize soil microbe communities=, experience running=20field and greenhouse experiments, strong work ethic and leadership experi=ence, as well as good=20verbal and written communication skills are desired.=20=20Starting salary $40,000 USD. This 1-year position, with potential to rene=w based on satisfactory=20performance, is available immediately. Applications will be accepted unti=l the position is filled.=20=20Apply online job number is 51967. Please submit a letter addressing the relevance =of your research=20accomplishments and interests to this position, your CV, and contact info=rmation (including e-mail=20addresses) for three references.For additional information and informal inquires, please contact Jeff Feh=mi=20( University of Arizona is an EO/AA Employer.=20