As many of you know, I’ve been working the past couple months on a series of videos about water issues in the Yahara Watershed. Right now you can only watch the videos online, but eventually you’ll be able to watch them as you walk along the Lakeshore Path on the UW campus. In the mean time, it’d be great to spread the word about these videos so that teachers/TAs/professors and organizations can use them in their classrooms or as part of their outreach (they are aimed at early high school and up..would be good for early undergrads too–not too technical). If you know of anyone who might be interested, please send the link their way. Please talk with me, though, before you send the link to any major Madison-area/UW organizations–I may want to wait until the entire tour is done before letting the major media know 😉 And if you have a YouTube account, it’d be great if you could subscribe to our channel (YaharaBadger) and “Like” all the videos (assuming you like them!).
or search YouTube for YaharaBadger